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45 Minute Beginner Elementary School Lesson Plan

This plan is for a 45 minute Elementary School age Children. This plan does not include writing, but you may add writing if you would like. This is a general outline that works well for me, but I encourage you to change things to fit your situation.

1. Warm up- I Like English Chant!
My students love this chant and it is great to get things started. First use the vocabulary as a warm up (clap your hands, brush your teeth, etc.) then do the chant with the music. Download the free chant and lyrics here.

2. Numbers 1-100
Drill the numbers 1-100 and have the students repeat after you. Depending on the students level, you can play a little quiz game with them and ask them what number you are holding. Try briefly flashing the number and see if the students can say the number.

3. Song: Let's Count 1 to 10
This is a fun easy counting song, and students really enjoy it. Download the song for free here.

4. What's Your Name?
I always review basic questions with Elementary age students. What's your name? Is a standard basic question. First practice the vocabulary with the kids having them repeat after you asking and answering the question. This can be difficult for the kids to understand at first so if you have another teacher to demonstrate, it is very helpful.

5. Song: What's Your Name?
Sing the song, and the students will be singing along by half way through! You can then after the song ask them again, "What's your name?" Download the What's Your Name? free song here.

6. New Topic- Introduce new vocabulary
At this point you can introduce the students to a new topic. I would recommend topics such as colors or feelings for beginners. Start by drilling the flash cards, and making sure the students understand and can say the vocabulary. You can then try a simple game such as the "Sit Down Game". The sit down game is very easy and can be used for any topic. If you are teaching feelings, drill the flash cards and ask the students to sit down when they see the "angry" flash card. You can also use the "angry" flash card and put it in with another set like colors. Ask the students to stand and walk in place. Call out each flash card as you show it to them. When they see they "angry" flash card they have to sit down right away! It is also fun if you have them say "Oh no!" when they sit. As always, be careful with the students surroundings so they don't bump anything and get hurt when they sit down quickly. For more topics check the chants and free songs page.

7. ABC Phonics
I think at this age it is really important to introduce phonics. I actually start phonics with my 2 year olds and up. Dream English has free phonics flash cards and a chant you can download here. Simply chant the phonics chant while showing the matching letter. You can learn more about phonics here.

8. Song: ABC Song
After doing the phonics chant sing the ABC song with the students.

9. Game: Point to the correct letter
This is a fun easy game. Hold 2 alphabet cards, one in each hand. Show them to the students and say the name. For example, hold up the 'A' flash card and say "A". Do the same with B. Then turn the flash cards around and ask the students to point to the letter you say. You can have a lot of fun with this by changing hands with the cards, etc.

10. Book Reading Time
I like to settle the students down with a book. You can use any book you have in your library that you feel is well suited to their age. You are also free to download and print any of the free books from the new Dream English site KidsEnglishBooks.com. I read a book to the students every class, often asking them questions about what they see on the page to get them involved. For example, "can you see the balloons? how many are there?" As their English becomes more advanced, so will the questions you can ask them.

11. Action Time
I always like to do some actions with the kids. One simple one to start off with is body parts-touch your nose, etc. I generally go through all the main body parts, then we sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
Game: for elementary students you can try a fun game where you omit one of the body parts when you sing the song. For example sing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, but don't say 'head'. Next, ask the students what body part they want to omit. Continue as long as it is fun!

12. Goodbye Song (3 minutes)
The Goodbye Song has a lot of actions, so even young students can follow along. I always sing this at the end of the class, as it lets students know that the class is over. At the end, I always say, "Goodbye, thank you, see you!" to my students with a big smile so they know they have done a great job!

These are some ideas to get you started with a lesson plan for Elementary age students. Even if you teach a class once a week, you can use this general outline and change things up a bit. Try different games, and different warm ups, books and topics to keep things interesting for the kids. Have fun!

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