English Hello Song! Hello, Hello, Hello! This is a fun song to get your classes started. It teaches the
kids to say hello, make a circle, clap hands, and walk around
in a circle! Simply play the song and do the actions and sing
with your students. You may want to teach them the actions before
you start the song. If you are teaching very young kids (1-4 years
old) don't worry if they don't sing along, just have fun. If you
are teaching a large class, you can also seperate the kids into
groups to sing the song. If you want, direct their parents to
this website and they can practice the song at home! It will make
them have even more fun when you sing the song in class. See below
for the lyrics.
The Hello Song with no web ad is now on iTunes click here! Note: If you download a free song, please (please : ) consider signing up for our mailing list below so I can keep you informed of new free downloads, or send me an email and say hello. If you like the song, please tell a friend. After
the Hello Song, why not read a book to your students? Check
out the free to download and print books from the New Site brought
to you by Dream English: KidsEnglishBooks.com
Hello Song Lyrics: Let's walk this way(x3) Once you have the class started with the Hello Song , how about singing What's Your Name next?
Downloads: What's
Your Name? Wake
Up Extras: Dream
English Fun vocabulary practice Chants:
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