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How to Play Rock, Scissors, Paper

Rock, Scissors, Paper is a simple game that can be used for deciding something, or just for fun. In Japan it is called Janken, and maybe other things around the world. It is easiest to play with a partner, but you can also play it with a group of people if you like.

Step 1: Rock

Make your hand into a fist, this is the rock, and say rock

Step 2: Scissors

Make your hand into a scissors shape with 2 fingers, and say scissors

Step 3: Paper

Make your hand into paper by putting it out straight, and say paper.

Step 4: 1,2,3, play!

After saying rock, scissors, paper and doing the hand gestures, count 1-2-3 and then decide if you want to put out the rock, scissors or paper hand. Your partner will do the same. The winner is as follows:

Rock beats Scissors
Paper beats Rock
Scissors beats Paper

For example, if you friends hand is a rock, and your hand is paper, you won! If your friends hand is a rock, and your hand is a scissor, you lost.

I hope this helps. You can see an example of this in the video below. Have fun!

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