Level 1 Shapes: Learn 8 Shapes in English

Shapes are important to learn because they help with letter recognition. Watch the video with your students, and encourage to sing the whole way through the video. See below for activities with shapes and more lesson ideas.
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Lesson Ideas

Words: circle, triangle, square, heart, star, rectangle, oval, diamond.
Target Phrases: What shape is it? It's a circle.

1. Play the video a second time, and have the students go around your classroom and touch the shapes that you hear. For example, when it says "It's a circle" in the video, the students should find something shaped like a circle to touch.
2. Have the students draw and color the different shapes on paper. They can also write the names of the shapes. Next, have the students tell the other students what shape, and what color shape they drew. Having students create their own materials is a great way to get kids involved!